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0203 031 6496

There’s no typical chair hire customer - each one is different and no two orders are the same. To give you a better idea of the huge variety of events and clients we deliver furniture too, we’ve written about some of them here. We’ve included information about the function as well as the type of furniture chosen by our customer. We’ve also added some photography, showing all the different locations that suit our table and chair hire ranges.

31/01/2019 Post by: James R

Organising an event on a budget and not sure where to begin? Fortunately there are plenty of ways you can cut costs by being smart – it’s all in the planning: 1. Consider free venues The most expensive cost when organising an event is u...

15/06/2018 Post by: Linsey S

Whether you’re a football fan or not, one thing the World Cup is guaranteed to do – is bring the nation together. It’s a funny feeling and yet a warming one that we’re all joined together by undoubtedly the most famous sport i...

16/03/2018 Post by: Linsey S

Disaster recovery; it’s a little like an insurance plan for your organisation and absolutely essential if you want to keep it ‘business as usual’ in the event of an emergency. Whether it is written on paper or held on computer, your...

03/11/2017 Post by: Linsey S

What is TED? TED is a non profit organisation devoted to ‘spreading ideas’. It is a global community that inspires people to help others, develop themselves and together, change the world. TED is a media force which spreads ideas, mainl...

26/07/2017 Post by: Linsey S

If you are in the middle of planning a summer garden party and you need ideas and inspiration, we have a few tips that will ensure your event runs perfectly to plan and is the summer event of the year. 1. Plan A Barbecue The great British barbecue...

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